Thursday, 5 June 2008

New publication: Examining the issues & challenges of email & e-communications

Email is “not quite as dangerous as a chainsaw being wielded by a drunken person in a crowded shopping mall, but…it is a powerful tool…”

“when people join your organisations, they should take the email test”

“there are organisations that would rather keep everything because it’s easier”
, and

“we’ve invested in technology without thinking about the long term implications and funding those implications as part of a life-cycle of the investment”

are just some of the sound bites in the proceedings of the 2nd Northumbria University International Witness Seminar Conference, 2007.

Held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Examining the issues & challenges of email & e-communications - Exploring strategies with Experts was an innovative event that gathered experts from around the world to discuss the business, people and technology perspectives of managing email records.

To find out who said these words and hear the views of the experts gathered (including Reynolds Cahoon, Adrian Cunningham, Jonathan Downes, Heather Jack, John McDonald, Martin Sanderson and Ian Wooler) order a copy of the conference proceedings today. The printed proceedings contain the (edited) verbatim content of the entire event and a CD of the proceedings in searchable form, the audio recording of the witnesses and photographs.

Cost: 49.00 Sterling or 25.00 Sterling for full-time students, including post & packaging. To order send the following details to

· Contact name
· Name of organisation to be invoiced
· Address
· Number of copies

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