Tuesday, 8 September 2009

AC+erm in Autumn ... an update

Now that the 'Summer' is over, we've got a few more bits of reading to help you while away those darkening Autumn evenings.

We have added the results of Round 4 of the Systems and Technology e-Delphi Study to our website. This round took the form of an online survey through which participants could vote on the solutions considered in Round 3. You can find the results through this link:

Summertime is also conference time, and we had speakers at both the Society of American Archivists (SAA) conference in Austin, Texas (Julie McLeod) and the Society of Archivists (SoA) conference in Bristol (Rachel Hardiman). You can link to the slides for these presentations through the following page on our website:

A presentation at the earlier, Springtime, conference of the Records Management Society (RMS) gave rise to an article in the current issue of the RMS Bulletin (No. 151). You can find details of this – the first of what we hope will be a steady stream of formally published outputs from the Project – on the new 'Journals and Conference Proceedings' page of our website:

We have changed our website News page from its old static format to a 'proper' news page, with the capability of subscribing to an RSS feed for new items:

As always, we would be delighted to hear your thoughts on any of the project activities or outputs – leave a comment here, or e-mail us on eb.acerm@northumbria.ac.uk.

1 comment:

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