Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Records Management Myths and Legends

Continued Communication, a Northumbria University led action research group, is running two storytelling sessions for separate groups in central London (British Library Conference Centre) on Monday 1st March 2010, an afternoon session (2.30–5pm) and an Evening Session (6–8pm).

The purpose of the event is to build narrative views of the world of records management through developing short group and individual stories. We hope to capture and convey some of the values and benefits of information management and the RIM profession. Stories will be recorded and with participants' individual permission will be posted onto the Continued Communication website that is currently under development.

The event will be facilitated by Storyteller and Cognitive Edge Practitioner Ron Donaldson. Here is a link to one of Ron's storytelling events http://rondon.wordpress.com/2009/09/08/hexagons-aplenty/.

Elizabeth Lomas (Continued Communication and Northumbria University), Peter Heywood (Development coach and consultant), and James Lappin (Thinking Records), will be assisting Ron - it should be an interesting and fun event.

If you would like to come along and take part then please email elizabeth2.lomas@northumbria.ac.uk, letting her know whether you would like to attend the afternoon or the evening session.

1 comment:

Records management said...

ACerm Project Team the topic seems quite interesting for such a session but as i can see it was on 1st March 2010.can you give some link where the resultant discussion can be seen?

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