Thursday, 19 February 2009

Essential skills for ERM – Phenomenological Analysis of participant responses to the People e-Delhi Study

One respondent’s view:

"The essential skills for ERM are (in order from most to least important):
project management, change management, business process analysis, technology,
records management."
There seem to be two critical aspects to this issue (phenomenon) – (i) what are the essential skills for ERM and (ii) who needs them. Additional aspects are when are these essential skills needed, are some more important at particular times, and how are they best acquired. Formal education and training? CPD? Work-based training? Through experience?
Read or download the full analysis from our website by clicking on the title of this post.

Phenomenological Analysis is applied to participant responses; this method provides subjective insights into a topic (phenomenon) through the researcher’s exploring it in depth using their experience and imagination.

1 comment:

records management said...

Thanks for the analysis, which I will be sure to read, but I just wanted to share that in my experience on-job-training makes for the best ERM.

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